Friday, May 8, 2009

NBA Playoffs: What's Happening

The Playoffs are a place where anything and everything can happen--and it usually does. There are fights, there are questionable calls, and there are multiple teams who just seem like no matter where they shoot from the ball just goes in.

During the second round there have been some troubles as of late.

In the same night there were two separate altercations that led to one game suspensions for Lakers' Guard Derek Fisher, and Orlando's Point Guard Rafer Alston.

Fisher decided that when Louis Scola of the Houston Rockets came to set up for a screen that he needed to be knocked over. Fisher lowered his shoulder into Scola and leveled him straight to the ground. This resulted in a flagrant two foul--and immediate ejection for Fisher. The league decided to also suspend him for Friday's game three.

Alston did not particularly enjoy the way that Boston Celtics' Guard Eddie House just seemed to be throwing up three pointers right and left--and making them. Alston gave House a tap, that was slightly harder than a normal tap, to the back of the head. House reacted in usual fashion and the two ended up face to face having a little talk. Alston was not ejected from the game but he was given a suspension for game three against the Celtics.

Ron Artest, Houston Rockets Guard, has also been having problems playing the against the Lakers. Numerous times he was being elbowed and having his hands thrown off by Lakers' Guard Kobe Bryant. In an Interview with Artest he said that he was just playing "basic defense," but Bryant kept hitting Artest's arm. Artest went and complained to the refs multiple times, but it was to no avail. Finally Bryant threw an elbow towards Artest's neck and Artest had his last straw. He complained one more time to the refs and when they refused to do anything, he went back over to Bryant and said "You're hitting the young guy." This outburst led to Artest's ejection from the game.

The Playoffs just keep heating up as they progress. Players will continue to get frustrated. But the Playoffs are the place to stay calm and collected.

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